Τετάρτη 24 Μαρτίου 2010

A Witch and the Spell of the Week

A Charm for Expelling Negativity and Banishing Bad Habits

Ενα φυλακτο για την αποφυγη της αρνητικης ενεργειας και των κακων συνηθειων

To make a portable tool for expelling negativity, begin by dabbing your pule points and chakras with a mixture of powdered cloves and lemon oil. This opens the avenue for spiritual purification. Next , take a small, square black cloth and a slightly larger white cloth. Hold the black cloth with both hands. Visualize the habit you are trying to banish as black sludge coming out of your pores and being absorbed by the cloth.

Once you feel the negativity has been discharged, take the white cloth in hand saying six times: .

Then put the white cloth on the black one and cover it, so no portion of the black can be seen.

Carry the charm with you to expel negativity wherever you are!

USES: expelling negative energies or spirits, ridding oneself of obsessions, addictions and phobias.

TIMING: the light of the day, specifically dawn. the months of January, July and October. When the moon is in Aries,Gemini or Sagittarius. During a blue moon. On your birthday or dates with special meaning.

4 σχόλια:

  1. Is this for real? I've go to try it..hee,hee! Happy Spring my dear!

    Sandy xox

  2. my dear sandy,YES! this is for real!
    all my spells and charms are from the book of shadows of a famous fairy-witch, who happens to be my best friend...

  3. so be it
    and so it be

    the spell of abudance
    by Ariel and Uriel and Yahrill and be spoken by the Queen of Angels
    at anytime of the day anywhere int hte world

  4. αγαπητη μου marilise αν καταλαβα καλα, εισαι κι εσυ μια fairy-witch!
    καλως ηρθες λοιπον σε αυτο τον κοσμο της φαντασιας και της χαρας!!!
    ελπιζω να μοιραστεις μαζι μας τη γνωση και τη σοφια σου...


i love your comments!!!!