Πέμπτη 29 Απριλίου 2010

A wish and a fairytale( or a true story?)


A fairy paradise

Once upon a time, there was a little fairy who had a beautiful fish named Splash! The fish and the fairy were the best friends in the world! All day they were playing, dancing,laughing and having fun together

One day the tiny fish got sick and after a few days it passed away. The little fairy was very sad, was crying all day and couldn't understand why her best friend left her forever! After a few days, a good witch visited the sad little fairy and asked her why she was crying. The fairy told the witch all about her best friend.

Then, the witch caught the fairy's hand and lifting high her magic wand said: - Come with me and see!!!

Together, they flied higher and higher until they reached the end of the sky!

Beyond the clouds they landed on a magic place! -Look! said the good witch to the fairy. -Look how happy he is here in the pink lake! Everyone is happy here, because nothing bad happens!

The fairy said -Please, let me live here! I think this place is the best in the world and i will meet again my best friend!!!

- No , my dear, replied the witch. - The time hasn't come yet for you. But, don't worry your friend will be waiting for you! All those who love will remain here, and one day you will see them again .

The little fairy felt relieved and catching the witch's hand flew back to her home.

Now, she was happy again because she knew...

Τhis fairy tale (or true story,who knows?) is dedicated to Lenora and her son, Tyler

10 σχόλια:

  1. Αυτό το σχόλιο αφαιρέθηκε από τον συντάκτη.

  2. Αγαοημενη μου νεραιδα εχεις κατι μαγικο σ ευχαριστω πολυ να εισαικαλα ... πολλα μαγικα φιλια..

  3. What is true is that there is a pradise for the dogs ,the cats , the fishes , the snails , the grasshoppers and the parrots , when they pass away . We have named it the Friendship hall .When my daddy passed away (it was totally unexpected ) some years ago ,the girls firstly asked if he is going to meet all the little lovable creatures from his chilhood he talked about in that friendship hall . THANKS !!!!

  4. το παραμυθι αυτο μου ζητησε να το γραψω μια blogfriend απο καναδα, της οποιας ο γιος ειχε ενα ψαρακι που πεθανε προσφατα! το αγορακι ειναι χαλια ψυχολογικα και η μαμα του μου ειπε πως η προοπτικη και μονο πως θα γραφτει μια ιστορια με το αγαπημενο του ψαρακι , εκανε το παιδακι να νιωσει καλυτερα!

  5. Pink,
    Thank you so much for putting so much thought and effort into this,. I love the drawings, the amount of detail you have put into them! I especially like how happy Splash looks in the first and last pictures! I feel you are a generous person to do all this for someone on another part of the world! I am sure Splash has loved the story as much as I do. I like to do a lot of writing as well! In the last picture I like all the positive words you put in the last picture. Also, I took a liking to the dragonfly. Thank you again.

  6. tyler, i'm glad you liked my story!
    i'm sure splash will have great time there...in fairyland!!!

  7. Hi Eleni,

    This cat is soooo cute. Really adorable. Lucky friend you have.

    Smiles and happy sunday!


i love your comments!!!!