Σάββατο 25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2010

pRacTicAl mAgiC bLog pArTy- a ghost story,some spells and the tea fairy!

Οne rainy night many centuries ago,I was in my house....

It was late. I think after midnight. I was writing some new spells in my book of shadows...

when suddenly i heard a melody!

A piano melody!

 But... there wasn't any radio or tv set switched on!

I realized that the melody was coming from downstairs!
 From the living room!


But who could be? Nobody in my house plays the piano. Only me. And i was surely not playing at that time!

The melody became louder.

Cautiously , with a shaking heart i went downstairs.

It was dark and i couldn't see clearly.

I lit a candle.

The piano kept on playing.
I walked towards it and....

i saw the most beautiful tiny  ghost fairy i've ever seen!

 She was sitting on my chair and she was playing the piano amazingly well!

 I sat by her side and together we played a wonderful piece The curious story,

 as we were singing in the middle of the night! Fortunately almost all my neighbours are friendly to the fairy-witches like me and noone seemed to notice the noise!!!

For a moment i felt like we were among the stars, up in the sky...

oh! i was so glad that the intruder was a ghost fairy! For a moment - and that's why i was so scared - i thought it was ...a human being! That is the creature i'm afraid of...

Later  me and the fairy , who revealed me that she was the tea-fairy once, had a cup of hot magic tea in my kitchen

 and when the sun started to arise she got ready to leave. She wished me luck and she gave me some fairy spells to share with you!!!
So here they are!!!!

MAGIC    FAIRY     SPELLS       

* Red witch love spell : Place a beautiful red apple beside a red witch candle. Burn the candle while murmuring incantations of love. Feed the apple to your heart's desire.

* Insomnia incense : Blend pine, juniper and ledum and burn as incense. This soothes an insomniac to sleep while stimulating prophetic dreams at the same time.

* Seven waves ocean cleansing : Immerse yourself  in ocean waters to achieve aura cleansing.When seven waves have passed over you, the cleansing is complete.

* Better business: Blend dried basil, benzoin and ground cinnamon and burn as a business - drawing incense.

* Horn charm spell : Find a small horn or cornucopia with sage leaves to protect against the Eye. Wear it or situate it strategically.


This week i received so many wonderful and touching comments and messages from my blogfriends that  tears flowed from my eyes. No, not sorrow tears but happiness! So let me dedicate this magic post to all of you my dear friends and followers! And YES miracles come in moments...  
Aυτή την εβδομάδα έλαβα τόσα πολλά υπέροχα και συγκινητικά σχόλια και μηνύματα από τις μπλογκοφίλες μου που δάκρυα πλημμύρισαν τα μάτια μου. Όχι, δεν ήταν δάκρυα θλίψης αλλά ευτυχίας! Έτσι, αφιερώνω αυτή την μαγική ανάρτηση σε όλους εσάς φίλοι και αναγνώστες! Και ΝΑΙ, αρκεί έστω μία μικρή στιγμή για να συμβεί ένα θαύμα...


a pink dreamer...

52 σχόλια:

  1. Oh this was a lovely story Eleni! And thank you for sharing those spells with us.
    Have a wonderful weekend too!

  2. What a wonderful story and artwork to share for the Blog Party! It was lovely.... I hope I hear a little hgost fairy tinkling at my piano one day...
    hugs and blessings from Australia,

  3. Oh I love your witch fairy! She's so beautiful and thank you for sharing all the wonderful spells. May you have lovely practical magic wherever you walk :)

  4. Τι όμορφη ιστορία! Τώρα πάω για νάνι μου ήρεμη και νανουρισμένη... ^_^

  5. Thank you so much for the invitation to the Practical Magic Party - its tomorrow but my daughter so HAD to add a post of our own so crazy u we did one just now! We loved your story and will be back to reread slower tomorrow! Hopefully we will still be linked this late in the day - anyway our post is up and it is sweet so please do visit!

  6. Thank you for inviting me over.....this is a lovely story and what a beautiful little visitor you had! Please come by and visit me too...

  7. Εγώ χαμογελάω κάθε φορά που διαβάζω ανάρτησή σου, κι όσο διαβάζω τόσο πλαταίνει το χαμόγελο στα χείλη!! Κρίμα που δεν έχω πιάνο για να έχω μια τέτοιου είδους γλυκιά συνάντηση όμως έχω την μουσική στην καρδιά μου κι έτσι πιστεύω οτι κάτι θα γίνει!!! Πολύ ομορφα και τα μαγικά που μοιράστηκες Σε ευχαριστούμε pink!!!
    Σε φιλώωωωωωω

  8. Μα δεν ξέρεισ πόσο μαρέσουν τα ξορκια σου!! Σε πειράζει να αντιγράψω ένα στο μπλογκ μου?
    Φιλιά σε όλα τα νεραίδια:)))))))

  9. Assolutamente d'accordo con lei. In questo nulla in vi e 'una buona idea. Mi associo.
    Assolutamente d'accordo con lei. Si tratta di qualcosa di diverso e l'idea di mantenere.

  10. Είσαι η ίδια ένα μικρό θαύμα..και μάλιστα ..Ονειροπαρμένο.
    Έχεις δίκιο να φοβάσαι εκείνο το επικίνδυνο πλάσμα που λέγεται..άνθρωπος.
    Ν ακούγονται πάντα μελωδίες μυστικές από το πιάνο σου, και να σου φέρνουν ονειροπολήσεις..
    Τα μαγικά φιλιά μου με λίγη δόση μπαχαρικού..

  11. This was such a sweet little post. Story wonderful. Thanks so much.

  12. Oh what a delightful story..just perfect for the day! Loving your blog!! Sarah

  13. Thank you for your 'Practical Magic Party' post!

    Gentle hugs,
    "Sweet Aunt Bridget" for the day

  14. Beautiful post, I love your party and the fairy ghost! :) And thank you for the fairy spells :) ~Lauren

  15. Wonderful PM posting, best wishes from the UK, Kat http://katthehatlady.blogspot.com/

  16. What a wonderful party post, your photos are stunning and your little ghost fairy is just perfection :D

  17. Enjoyed your story and spells , thanks for being apart of the " Practical Magic " blog party.

    ~ Peaceful Blessings ~

  18. Wonderful Practical Magic Party Post! Thank you for visiting mine today! :) Theresa

  19. What a lovely story and post! Love your wee fairie visitor.

  20. What a wonderfully delightful story and post. Thank you for sharing.

    Please do stop by my blog for a quick visit and check out my giveaway.

    Brightest Blessings

  21. Πραγματικά μαγική ανάρτηση, μαγισσούλα!!

  22. Τι όμορφο ποστ! Τώρα, αν καμιά φορά ακούσω το πιάνο μου να παίζει μόνο του, θα είμαι προετοιμασμένη ;)

  23. Great story..... I just posted my blog , a little late. I see we also take Suzi blu"s mermaids together too.

  24. Τελεια η ιστοριουλα σου καλη μου νεραιδουλα...Παντα επισης μου αρεσουν τα ξορκια σου με συναιπερνεις στο μαγικο σου κοσμο...και ταξιδευω μαζι σου!!!Πολλα φιλια

  25. Beautiful and thanks for all the lovely spells.

    Bright blessings,

  26. Such a lovely post Eleni! I'm having so much fun at this Practical Magic Party! So many lovely blogs and sweet people to visit! Your paintings are lovely! I took Suzi Blu's Goddess class last year! Hope you can stop by for a visit and a Midnight Margarita!

    xoxo Valerie

  27. Beautiful. I could hear the piano playing from here. Enchanting and magical.
    Spells and Wishes,
    Wendy from wonderland


  28. Lovely magickal post, Thank you for participating...
    I can't help but notice your signature looks quite familiar :-P

  29. what a beautiful and magical post! love your spells!
    sending sparkles

  30. A truly wonderful party. I enjoyed your spells as well..full of true magic.

  31. Such an enchanting post! Thank you for sharing the story AND the spells. I have enjoyed getting to witness your creativity. :)

    faith, trust, and faerie dust!


  32. What fun you had at your party, I can imagine your fairy was dancing over the keys of that piano

  33. what a wonderful story, i love the tea fairy, and the photos were great!
    thank you!!!

  34. What a magical story and post...very imaginative! Throughly enjoyed all of your hard work.

    Annabelle ***++~^..^~

  35. What a wonderful post! Love all your wicked delights! I hope you'll come "fly" over to my blog and see what I have been brewing!

  36. Νεραιδένια μου με ταξιδεύεις κάθε φορά... ... σε ευχαριστώ!

  37. Oh, my goodness... Love your "Party" pictures!
    Have a boo-tiful afternoon!

  38. Incredibly magical post!!!!!!!!! I love it!
    cheers with smoldering potions, dana


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