Παρασκευή 29 Απριλίου 2011

about patience.../ για την υπομονή...

Dear Patient Girl,

  You knew when you started on this path towards your goals and your dreams, staying on the pathway that's meant just for you, that sometimes the road was going to get rough, that things would not always be fun or easy, and that you were willing to sacrifice whatever it took to get there.
  So why is it, gorgeous friend, that when things do get tough or boring, or when sacrifice is required, that we somehow forget and think that things must not be going exactly how they are supposed to be going, when we knew when we started that there would surely be days like this?
  You are not your past, and you are not your mistakes. You are not what others say you are and you are not your limitations, your weaknesses, or your frailties. You are not the horrible things that others have done to you. You are not you addictions or your family or your dress size or your tax return.

You are a priceless, authentic, light-filled soul. No one has ever been created just like you and no one ever will be. You are worth more than you will ever know.
  It is time to see yourself this way, with unconditional love, kindness, and forgiveness. Today, let go of the shame. Let go of it. It is time.
Don't let the tough times get you down. They are part of the journey, and they are temporary. Learn what you can while you are in those times. But most of all, be patient, and let yourself remember that you knew this would happen, and you knew that you could and would make it. And you will. And you ARE. It will be worth it....

(from the Brave Girls)

P.S. 2 days left for my Easter givaway!!!!
Y.Γ. 2 μέρες έμειναν για την  πασχαλινή givaway μου!!!
                                       ΚΕΕP HOPING!!!!

6 σχόλια:

  1. υπέροχο μοναδικό ,
    " δεν είσαι το παρελθόν δεν είσαι τα λάθη αυτά ήταν ένας απλό ς καθρέφτης προχώρα αξίζεεεειιιιις "
    υπέροχη ανάρτηση σε ευχαριστώ καλή μου !!!!!!

  2. πολυ ομορφη αναρτηση...σου δινει ελπιδα...ειδικα μετα τα σημερινα γεγονοτα...φιλια νεραιδενια μου...συνεχισε να μας ταξιδευεις...

  3. Καλή Πρωτομαγιά να πω στα..Ελληνικά!!!!!!!Φιλάκια Αχτιδένια!

  4. γλυκειά μου μαγισούλα,χίλια φιλιά και ευχές σου στέλνω έστω και ετεροχρονισμένα λόγω της Πασχαλινής μου κοπάνας...
    να έχεις μία τέλεια λουλουδιαστή Πρωτομαγιά...-:))

  5. Κείμενο γεμάτο σοφές και αληθινές κουβέντες.

    ΥΓ.Κι εγώ που έκανα back up, μετά δεν μπορούσα να βρω το... back up

  6. Καλο μηνα κ καλη Πρωτομαγια Ελενη μου...


i love your comments!!!!