Δευτέρα 18 Οκτωβρίου 2010

*Through the fAnciIFuL magic mirror* + a GiVaWaY of handmade fairy-witch gifts!

A tiny little wizard came all of a sudden in my pink room last night! He invited me to his magic maple tree where all his family was celebrating the arrival of the magick season...
- Hurry up! he said to me,
.I accepted his invitation and together on my broomstick we flied to the beautiful tree...

Into the thick red leaves of this magical tree there was a mirror! A magic gold mirror!

With the help of the little wizard i passed through it...



                                                              next minute

                                                                  was found

                                          in a really

                                      mAgiCal   PlaCE...

where i have never been before...
                     not even in my deams....
                     not even in my imagination....
                it was a real

                                    WitCHes' gATHeriNG!

in the dark of night they were casting real spells!!!

the older and wiser witch welcome us! she was the little wizard's grandma!
she asked us to be quiet in order to cast her spell and prepare the magic potion in the pumpkin!

in the middle there were lots of apothecary jars and bottles with magic supplies in...
i read their labels: fairy water, mermaid hair, stars from a night sky, sweet potion...

i was a little bit terrified! what were they going to do or make?

suddenly, a book of shadows appeared! the older witch grabbed it and started reading.
i couldn't hear anything   ...
the next minute
leaves from the magic tree started to fall all around us

the magic potion was ready and the tree sent its leaves as a thank you gift!
i asked the witches what was all about...

it is time for a givaway, an autumn givaway!!!! they replied!
and one by one all the gifts started to falling from the magic tree!
so, i understood! that was the spell and the magic potion about....just to make some gifts!

1st , 2nd and 3rd gift
1ο , 2ο και 3ο δώρο (small mixed media paintings on acquarelle paper)

4th gift
4o δώρο
ένα μενταγιόν με το μπάνερ μου
a pendant with a pink dreamer's banner

5th gift
5o δώρο
ένα κολιέ με μωβ χάντρες και κορδέλα
a necklace with purple beads and ribbon

6th gift
6o δώρο
διάφορα χαρτικά και υλικά για κολάζ, art journaling, scrapbooking
paper supplies for collage, art journaling, scrapbooking

7th gift
7o δώρο
ο τυχερός σελιδοδείκτης της γοργόνας!
my lucky mermaid bookmark!

the witches say: if you want to join the magic givaway, please leave a comment, be a follower and if you want make a post on your blog about it!
the lucky winners will be announced by my magic hat next saturday!

οι μάγισσες λένε: εάν θέλεις να συμμετάσχεις στην κλήρωση των μαγικών δώρων,σε παρακαλούμε να αφήσεις ένα σχόλιο, να γίνεις αναγνώστης και αν θέλεις να δημοσιεύσεις κι εσύ στο μπλογκ σου αυτή την givaway!
οι τυχεροί θα ανακοινωθούν από το  μαγικό μου καπέλο το επόμενο σάββατο!


AND REMEMBER : those who don't believe in magic, will never find it....

65 σχόλια:

  1. Ουάου!!! Θα με τρελάνεις εσύ γλυκειά μου μαγισούλα...

  2. Γι'αυτό είναι τυχεροί όσοι μένουν ξάγρυπνοι...ανακαλύπτουν απ'τους πρώτους τέτοιους θησαυρούς! Εύχομαι να κερδίσω κάτι από τη μαγεία σου!

  3. wow!!! θέλω και εγώ να πάρω μέρος και να κερδίσω ένα από αυτά τα φανταστικά δωράκια!!! τέλεια! τέλεια!

  4. Great post! Happy Party!
    Please put me in for the drawing on prize 3 (my daughter will love it!)

    Thanks for the opportunity :)

    Susan (in NJ-USA)

  5. υπέροχα όλα!!!
    καλή τύχη σε όλους!!!

  6. Wonderful party as always and how many giveaways?! Count us in! Your post is really wonderful - love the candle shots! - do feel free to visit our graveyard and maybe if you choose post a memory in our Memory Shrine (the comment box - you'll see what we mean!) The Graveyard Blessings!

  7. Mα τι μαγευτικό πόστ! Μα πόσο μαρέσει να σε διαβάζω!!! Χαίρομαι που ανακάλυψες το μαγικό καθρεύτη και μάζεψες τέτοια πανέμορφα δώρα!
    Φιλιά σε σένα και στις μάγισσες!<3

  8. Mα τι πολλά δώρα έπεσαν απο το μαγικό δέντρο!!!!! Είναι όλα τους υπέροχα !!!!!! Η μαγεία υπάρχει!!!! Το αποδεικνύεις με κάθε σου ανάρτηση!!!


  9. well hello again eleni!
    just got on my broom to start the blog party cruise and i knew your post would be up. i can see you enjoyed creating the story and the photos and i had a bewithingly marvelous time reading and seeing it! wow, so many giveaway, what a generous soul. i only got one ;)
    lovely and bewitchingly elegant decorations you've made! thanks for sharing.
    have a magical party blog cruise! and fly on over to mine.

  10. λιγη νεραιδοσκονη και σε μενα!

  11. This is sooooo much fun!!!
    Love your blog & your creations.
    Please fly by for my giveaways too...
    Hauntingly Yours, Lyndy

    My Haunted Halloween Party Link:

  12. i love it , i love the whole magic , i wish the magic spells can make me win a present just after the magical blog party .....
    you are the cream of the cream my friend !!!!!
    Thanks for giving me the opportunity to participate in thiw blog party !!!!

  13. Ελενη θα θυμωσω ερχεσαι τα βραδια και κλεβεις φιλτρα φλερταρεις με τα ξωτικα μου , μου παιρνεις το καπελο και τη μαγικη μου κουκουβαγια τι δηλαδη περπει να βαλω δρακι να τα προσεχει ? δρακος ασφαλειας χα χα για προσεξε σε παρακαλω..

  14. Λίγη από την μαγεία σου και σε μένα!!!! :))))

  15. Very cute! Welcome to visit my Halloween party:

  16. Oh I believe in magic my friend I believe! What a lovely post.
    There's plenty of enchantment going on at my blog too if you care to visit....

  17. Hi there wonderful you! So glad to finally get here!!!! Busy worlds. Now I get a party and story from you! YaY! Have a wonderful time at all the celebrations today! Blessings friend.

  18. Such a lovely halloween party!

    Happy Halloween!
    Please enter us into your giveaway!

    Miss Lori~

  19. Eleni you are an absolute sweet heart!
    I love your little wizzard, very, very cute.
    I wish I had a magic mirror too!

  20. Love your wonderful Halloween party post!! thank you for sharing, and have a beautiful day!!

    xx Rena

  21. Αυτό το σχόλιο αφαιρέθηκε από έναν διαχειριστή ιστολογίου.

  22. Thank you for coming to visit my Halloween offering today! What lovely gifts you are offering to your party visitors. I enjoyed your tale very much!

    Theresa :)

  23. Loved your witches' gathering!! This was so much fun, it was first for me!

    Your newest follower here from Vanessa's Halloween Party!~Lisa
    Happy Halloween

  24. What a fun party you have going here. LOVING it...I must make my way to the magic tree...could use some of that to sprinkle into my life. Hee

    Now, let me go mingle with your other guests...muuwahahahahaa

    Check out Harrington Manor Ball today.

  25. Happy Pink Saturday! Always love seeing your artwork - you're quite unique!

  26. Fabulous party, it was so magical!! Thank you so much for inviting me :) I would love the chance to win your magical treats, I am a happy follower :) ~Lauren

  27. Lovely party! Had a great time here. Magic is everywhere. Please feel free to stop by my party-http://kellysalteredart.blogspot.com/2010/10/halloween-party-2010.html

  28. αουυυτςςςςςςςς...κάτι μου έπεσε στο κεφάλι...λες να ήταν δωράκι..??

    φιλιά μαγισούλα μου και καλό σου Σ/Κ...-:))

  29. What a great party! And such lovely giveaways! Magic is in the everyday! Thanks for sharing.

  30. πολύ γλυκιά ιστοριούλα για τα νεραιδοσκονισμενά δωράκια σου........

  31. Such fun! A wonderful party post :) Happy Halloween!
    Roisin x

  32. Sppppppppoooooky wonderful!!!! I love your wee wizard and your magical mirror! Your art is adorable! What potions, what magic you share!! Thank yoU! ♥, Vanessa {A Fanciful Twist}

  33. Your art is SO beautiful! I love pink and felt like a fairy dancing around at your party. Maybe some pink baklava? Thank you for inviting us in here :)

  34. What a wonderful post! Thank you for invting me to your lovely party! I hope you'll visit me, too!


  35. Oooh yes,I will certainly remember your words "those who don't believe in magic will never find it!".What a lovely saying and so true.Maybe if I twich my nose a little I just may get dear old hubby to agree in buying me the old church in the countryside ......hehehe.
    Wishing and praying and hoping some luck comes my way. Your post was wonderful and full of magic and with such lovely art; would luv to be entered in the draw.

    Thanks for the invite
    Happy Halloween!
    ~^..^~ Annabelle

    I'm giving three art prints away for this special occasion so do drop in for a chance to win something Halloweenie if you like.


  36. Whew! I made it just in time and everything here looks just divine! Thanks for allowing me to visit for a spell! Your party sure was swell!

    Come past my sweet soiree when you have some time.


  37. Lovely blog! And wonderful pictures. I had a great time visiting you.
    Hope your Halloween is fun,fun,fun!
    Janets Creative Pillows

  38. Wonderful party post, I loved your story and the creations are just beautiful, thanks so much for sharing :D

  39. ΠΩ ΠΩ!!!!ΟΛΑ ΜΑΓΙΚΑ.

  40. Thank you for having me over at your party!! Loved your Witch!

    When you get a chance hop on over to my blog for a chance to win Two Mini Witch Hats.



  41. Thank you so much for coming and visiting our 3 part adventure on Olde Baggs and Stuft Shirts. Looks like you had a fun time with your little witch and all of the wonderful elements to your party. Super job, I love it. Linda, The Olde Bagg
    pssssssst...I would love to be entered in your very generous giveaway. Happy Halloween

  42. Hello! I just became a follower to your blog! I had my computer translate it so I could read it, lol! My email is Lthykeson@yahoo.com.

  43. I couldn't come yesterday, so i'm a bit late to see all the wonderful partys :-(
    I have a giveaway on mine. Maybe you like to have a chance :-)
    Cheers! Donna from the Netherlands

  44. Sorry, made a mistake on my previous note - my email is:

    CreativeARTitude at hotmail dot com

  45. What an adorable little witchy party! Can they be adorable and spooky at the same time? Hmm I think so!

  46. Funny… it’s like early Halloween celebration. Have a nice week.

  47. Great party post! I enjoyed your fun story and spooktacular photos! Happy Halloween! :)

  48. What a fun party! Lovely story and photos :)

    And thank you so much for commenting on my blog!


  49. Such a lovely party. I really love your work and I am glad I found your blog at the party. I would love to win your giveaway. I am following you now too.

  50. Κι εγώ μέσαααααααα καλή μου μαγισούλα :-))))))
    Πολλά πολλά φιλιάααααααααααααααα

  51. Να 'μαι κι εγώωωω!!!!! Αχ τι τέλεια δωράκια!!

  52. Αγαπώ πολύ τις σοφές κουκουβάγιες.. Ποτέ δεν ξέρεις τι θα σου ψιθυρίσουν!

    Έσκασε μύτη..ιστορία Ροζαντένια μου. Αν θέλεις μπες εδώ:http://anemondixtia.blogspot.com/2010/10/blog-post_18.html
    και δήλωσε συμμετοχή.
    Φιλιά σε ..ροζέ αποχρώσεις

  53. Μα τι μαγικα δωρακια ειναι αυτα καλη μου μαγισσουλα???Μα δυστυχως οι πιθανοτητες να κερδισω ολο και λιγοστευουν ... παρα πολλες οι συμμετοχες...Καλη επιτυχια σε ολες!!!Ας κερισει η πιο τυχερη!!!

  54. Τι ωραία να με προσκαλούσαν κι εμένα σε τέτοια μαγικά πάρτυ!!
    Αλλα οι εσείς οι μαγισουλες έχετε και τα τυχερά σας.

    Τα δωράκια ειναι ''μαγικά'' όλά

  55. τελεια τα δωρακια σου.καλη επιτυχια σε ολες...

  56. Θα γίνει μάχη στην κλήρωση των δώρων!!! Ευχαριστούμε πολύ για τα πολύ όμορφα δωράκια που είναι από τα χεράκια σου! Καλή επιτυχία σε όλους!

  57. I am considering conducting a reverse cell number search by going online. I am getting all these phone calls by someone who I really don't know and am wondering who they think they're calling. All sorts of strange texting as well as messages are being left on my personal voice mail and it's really beginning to drive me crazy. So, exactly where do I find these reverse phone lookup web sites?


i love your comments!!!!