Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Σάββατο 24 Σεπτεμβρίου 2011

The magic blessed sPeLL bOOk -Practical Magic blog party 2011+magic givaway!

    Once upon a time my grand-grand-grandmother - who was a popular nice witch - had in her pocession a magic spellbook with 3 magic colored stones in a heart charm hanging on its side!

I always admired her of how well she was casting all the spells!
She used to tell me that it is because of her magic spellbook!
I wanted it so much but she didn't even let me touch it! You see,those years (or centuries) i was only a little fairywitch...
When i grew up and a little time before she pass away,she gave it to me as a gift!
Since then, i keep it so closely! Like a treasure! A trully magic treasure!
And i try to post occasionaly some spells that are written in there!

Here are some spells from my beloved grand-grand-grandmother's spellbook you might be interested in:

* Every Thursday burn sage in order to remove the negative energy that might be in your space.

* Dream Job Spell
Write up an advertisement for your dream job.Amoint this "ad" with essential oil of cinnamon.Place it in a conjure bag and carry it with you until your dream is realized (even while employed elsewhere). Amoint with additional oil weekly.

* Happy Harmony Employment Spell Cookies
To create a harmonious relationship with bosses and co-workers,rather than to achieve domination, bake cookies for everyone. Murmur your intentions over the batter,focusing on your desires during each step of the baking process.

                                                                         ****Similar magic spellbooks like mine (blank) already exist on my etsy!

So, if you wish to get/win one please :

1) be a kind person
2) be a follower
3) leave a magic comment

My little wizzard and my magic hat,will make the choice next Sunday!

Since then,enjoy the practical magic blog party and the magic in you***********************

33 σχόλια:

Edith Schmidt είπε...

Love your blog! Fantastic work. Thank you so much for you sweet spells.

AlphaBetsy είπε...

I love your beautiful spell book and the very useful spells included.


Betty είπε...

What a wonderful party you are having here. Love your blog.

bertie είπε...

That is a gorgeous spellbook...what a treasure and thanks for the spells...love the on to clear negative energy. blessed be and hope you will stop by my blog and enter for a chance to win my spiced witch lantern! bertie

Petunia είπε...

Wonderful spellbook and thank you for sharing the spells too. Glad you can join the party again this year!


Carousel Dreams είπε...

What a wonderfully magic post...I love your spells - must give them a try! Thankyou for visiting my blog, and may you have a witchy weekend x

Beatriz είπε...

Nice... and very tender.


SofiaSidi Arts and Creations είπε...

Το φασκόμηλο το τιμώ δεόντως! Ιδιαίτερα όταν μπει κάποιος που μου αφήνει αρνητικά συναισθηματα στο μαγαζί μετά καίω λίγο φασκόμηλο! Δεν το ήξερα βέβαια για Πέμπτη! Μάλιστα αύριο θα πάω να μαζέψω το φρέσκο ;)
Πολλά μαγικά φιλιά και ευχαριστούμε για το δωράκι!! :)
Sorry fow writting in greek....:)

Ανώνυμος είπε...

What a great post. I love your book. It looks very magical.
Have a great weekend.

Jane K είπε...

Your spell book is delightful and I can vouch for your spell on Happy Harmony Employment cookies, I've found home baking always brings your co workers around :)

Shelly είπε...

beautiful spellbook! such a lovely post! xoxoxoxo

love much!


Theresa MacNaughton είπε...

Happy Practical Magic Day! That is such a lovely spell book you created! :) Please feel free to come and visit with me, too. :)
Sincerely, Theresa

μπλεγμένο κουβάρι είπε...

Such a lovely spellbook!! Ποια τυχερή θα το κερδίσει, να γράψει και τα 2 πρώτα spells που μας δώρισες??!!

Ricki Treleaven είπε...

Hi! I am linking from the Practical Magic blog party.

What a delightful post! Your spell book is very charming. I need to see your etsy shop!

RIcki Jill

PS I am now a follower

Wizardess είπε...

So sweet of you to do a give-away. Been thinking a lot about my work lately. May just do that job spell.

Laura S Reading είπε...

Another beautiful work of art, and a wonderful story.

I am going to have to try that Ideal Work spell.
I'll let you know how it turns out.

Alyssa Goodnight είπε...

Lovely blog, adorable spell book!

Thanks for visiting!

Ανώνυμος είπε...

Wow ! your books are beautiful ! such care , love & devotion go into them .
Thank You for sharing your magickal life with us ☺
lov rox

Fanypap είπε...

Very beautiful magic book!Many kisses!

Victoria είπε...

Wonderful post...I think your grand-grand-grandmother was a very wise woman!


Victoria from Brushstrokes

Ανώνυμος είπε...

Oh I do like the cinnamon oil spell, I will have to try a version of that one! Blessed be!

Susan είπε...

Hello Eleni!!
how are you? Happy Mabon, Happy Autumn (here in the states)
You know I am a kind person. (what kind? LOL--dumb joke LOL) You also know I am a follower! :)
My magic comment is to tell you you are awesome! To tell you It is wonderful to see such wonderful family memories! Family is all powerful, as is love!

Thank you for sharing a piece of your life with us :0 Please toss my name in that magical hat of yours!
Thank you for the opportunity!
Be well and be blessed,

Ανώνυμος είπε...

Excellent job on your magic book.

Conversations with the Muses είπε...

What a beautiful story and spell book! Your post is delightful!
Thank you!

Unknown είπε...

τέλειο το spell-book!!!

Ανώνυμος είπε...

What a beautiful Practical Magic Party post and a beautiful book! Good job!!


Bird είπε...

What a lovely Practical Magic post. Thank you so much for sharing some of the wisdom from your spell book with us. Just wonderful. And I would love to be entered into your giveaway. Thank you so much for your lovely generosity.

Bright blessings,

to alataki είπε...

Τώρα δεν φοβάμαι τίποτε καλό μου μαγισάκι...

Birgit είπε...

No need to include me in your giveaway, but I want to leave a comment to let you know how much I appreciate you sharing the spells. :)

Magical Times,

Ioanna K. είπε...

είναι ΤΟΣΟ όμορφο!!! *-* μπράβο για άλλη μια φορά νεραιδομάγισσα!!!

Misty είπε...

Such beautiful and wise words!! Sorry so late! Blessings!

Zoe είπε...

An amazing post! you spell book is beautiful!! sorry for stopping by late. im also your newest follower :)


Λία είπε...

δεν το 'ξερα αυτό με το φασκόμηλο... ;)
κάθε μέρα μαθαίνουμε και από κάτι καινούριο!